Log in NETGEAR Router

El Netgear router offers you excellent facilities: settings such as changing WiFi password, establishing guest networks, setting up a firewall, performing port forwarding and other advanced options are found on the router's management page.

Note: Before login, you need to connect your PC to the router. You can use an Ethernet cable or connect via WiFi network.

How to Log in to NETGEAR router?

Easily access your router's control panel by following these steps:

  1. Connect to the NETGEAR WiFi network: Make sure you are connected to the NETGEAR WiFi network from your device.
  2. Open a web browser: Use your favorite browser (such as Chrome, Firefox, or Safari) and enter the NETGEAR router's default IP address in the address bar. Generally is
  3. Enter login credentials: Enter the username and password. By default, many NETGEAR routers have “admin” as the username and “password” as the password, but it is recommended to change these credentials for security reasons.
  4. Access the control panel: Once you have logged in correctly, you will have access to the NETGEAR router control panel, from where you can manage the network settings.

Change NETGEAR WiFi Network SSID

These modifications are made through the router Control Panel. Use the method explained above to access the panel and, from there, easily make the change to the SSID of your WiFi network. Here's how to do it:

  1. Log in to the NETGEAR router control panel: Follow the steps mentioned above to log in to the control panel.
  2. Navigate to the wireless network settings section: Look for the option that refers to wireless network or WLAN settings in the control panel.
  3. Find SSID Settings: Look for the option that allows you to change the network name (SSID). It may be labeled “SSID” or “Network Name.”
  4. Change network name: Enter the new name for your NETGEAR WiFi network and save the changes. Make sure you choose a name that is unique and easy to remember.

Change NETGEAR WiFi Network Password

Just how you can change the SSID, it is also possible to modify the password of your WiFi network from the router control panel. The process is practically the same, and we tell you how you can change your WiFi password on routers:

  1. Access the NETGEAR router control panel: Perform the login mentioned above to access the router control panel.
  2. Find wireless security settings: Within the control panel, look for the section related to wireless network security.
  3. Find the password option: Find the WiFi network password setting, which can be labeled “Password,” “Security Key,” or “WPA/WPA2 Key.”
  4. Change your password: Enter the new password you want to use and save your changes. It is recommended to use a strong and unique password to protect your WiFi network. 

IP addresses used by NETGEAR