Huawei Router Login

Are you looking for the settings of your Huawei router? Discover how to access the administration panel through the Huawei Router Login.

Access Huawei Router Login to Customize your Network Settings

HUAWEI default IP

Discover how to carry out this process with the steps that we will give you below.

Step 1: Connection to the Huawei Router

Make sure your Huawei router is turned on and connected. Connect your computer or mobile device to the Wi-Fi network issued by the router or use an Ethernet cable for direct connection.

Step 2: Open your Web Browser

Launch your preferred web browser on your computer or mobile device. It can be Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or another.

Step 3: Enter the Router's IP Address

In the browser address bar, write the default IP address of the Huawei router. This is usually “" or "“. You can find this information in the router's user manual or on the label located on the device.

huawei router login 2

Step 4: Login

When entering the IP address, press “Enter”. This will take you to the router's login page. Enter the access credentials. See your router's user manual or label for the default username and password. Click “Login” to access the administration panel.

Step 5: Explore Settings Options

Within the administration panel, you will find various options to customize the settings of your Huawei router. Some common areas include:

  • Network Settings: Modify your Wi-Fi network name (SSID) and password.
  • Security: Adjust security settings, such as encryption and MAC address filtering.
  • Device management: View the devices connected to your network.

How to Access the Huawei Router Login to Customize Your Network Settings

Step 6: Save Changes and Log Out

After making the necessary adjustments, be sure to save the changes for them to take effect. Then, log out of the management page to protect the security of your router.

Note that Specific steps may vary depending on the exact model of your Huawei router. If you encounter difficulties or need assistance, please review the user manual or contact the Huawei technical support for specific help.

Lists of IPs used by the Huawei Router by default: