How to change the password of my wifi 192.168 1001?

To change the password of your WiFi 192.168 1001, you need to open the web router and then select the option of “Advanced settings”. Then, you can change your WiFi password in the “Security” section.

  1. Open your web browser and visit the IP address
  2. A login window will appear. Enter the default username and password.
  3. Once you are logged in, you will find the option to change Password in the configuration section.
  4. Change the password and save it.

Advantages of Change wifi password from

When it comes to securing your home wireless network, there are a few things you can do to make sure your network is as secure as possible. One of those things is to change the Wi-Fi network password regularly.

While it may seem like a hassle to change your password every few weeks, it’s actually one of the best things you can do to keep your network secure. Here are some reasons why you should change your Wi-Fi password regularly.

Prevent brute force attacks

One of the most common ways hackers gain access to home wireless networks is through a process called “brute force” attacks. In this case, a hacker uses a program to try to automatically guess your password by trying thousands or even millions of different combinations.

If you have a strong password, these programs can take a long time to guess it. However, if you have a weak password, it may only take a few minutes. If you change your password regularly, you can make it much more difficult for hackers to access your network using brute force attacks.

Helps keep your network safe from neighboring networks

Another reason to change your Wi-Fi password regularly is to keep your network safe from neighboring networks. If you live in a densely populated area, chances are there are plenty of other Wi-Fi networks in your area.

If you have the same password for your Wi-Fi network as one of your neighbors, it’s possible for someone to gain access to your network by spoofing their device’s MAC address to match the MAC address of a device on your network.

By changing your Wi-Fi network password regularly, you can help prevent these types of attacks.

Helps keep your network safe from malware

Another reason to change your Wi-Fi password regularly is to help keep your network safe from malware. Malware is a type of software that can be used to access your network and infect your devices.

If you have a strong password for your Wi-Fi network, it can be much more difficult for malware to access your network. However, if you have a weak password, it may only take a few minutes.

By changing your Wi-Fi password regularly, you can help prevent these types of attacks.

In general, changing your Wi-Fi password regularly is one of the best things you can do to keep your home wireless network secure. Although it may seem like a hassle, it’s worth taking the time to change your password every few weeks.