
Each device connected to a network has a unique identifier known as an IP address. In the case of “”, this particular address is the key to accessing your router settings. logins

 The IP address is a private address used to access the router login page. To access the login page, follow these steps:

  1. Open your usual web browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
  2. In the browser’s address bar, type and press Enter.
  3. You should see a login page that will ask you for a username and password.
  4. Enter the correct username and password to log in to the router management page.

Please note that the default username and password may vary depending on the router model. If you don’t know the username and password, you can look them up online or refer to the router’s user manual.

Change IP password

  1. Launch your web browser, such as Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, etc.
  2. Type in the address bar and press Enter.
  3. On the login page, enter the username and password that you previously used to access the router.
  4. Once you’re logged in, look for the section that refers to passwords or security. It may have a different name depending on the router model.
  5. Within the security section, look for the option that allows you to change the password. It may be labeled “Change Password” or something similar.
  6. Click the option to change your password and then enter the new password you want to use. Make sure you create a strong and secure password.
    Some pages will ask you to confirm the new password. Enter the same password you selected previously.
  7. Look for a button or link that says “Save Changes” or something similar. Click on it to apply new password.
    Close the Page:
  8. Once you have saved the changes, close the browser page.

With these simple steps you can access and configure your router, but remember that it is only valid for IP If this is not your IP I recommend find my ip.